A Sort of Homecoming tells the story of Amy (Michelle Clunie), a New York news producer who thought she left her high school experiences long in the past. She unexpectedly returns to Louisiana at the request of her high school debate coach (Kathleen Wilhoite). Their strained reunion brings back memories of her tumultuous senior year of high school.
Through a series of flashbacks, we follow young Amy (Laura Marano) and her debate partner Nick (Parker Mack) on the highly competitive national debate circuit as they meet compatriots (Katherine McNamara) and competitors from top high schools around the country and the college coaches who control access to valuable scholarships.
Nick and Amy’s national championship experience in New York reveals circumstances from Amy's past that brings the partners closer together personally, but the outcome of the tournament places Nick in an untenable position.
As Amy recalls the losses of the past, she is forced to reconsider her dreams and desires — ultimately putting the past to rest, turning a fresh page, and writing the next chapter of her story.
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NOLA CIRCUS | Feature- Comedy
NOLA Circus is a comedy revolving around two battling barbershops and the characters running them. On one side of Main Street, in a small town in Louisiana, are Will (Martin Bradford) and his crew. Will preaches against racial injustices while having a secret affair with Nola (Jessica Morali), the white stepsister of one of his employees, Denzel (Reginal Varice).
On the other side of the street are Marvin (Vas Blackwood) and his brothers. Marvin tries to maintain his relationship with Karen (a local drug dealer) while hiding a slew of odd sexual preferences.
As the barbers battle for business, Marvin and his brothers decide to scare Will and his boys out of town by "disguising" themselves as Klan members.
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A BOY NAMED SUE | Feature - Drama
A film by Daniel Lafrentz, adapted from the Johnny Cash song 'A Boy Named Sue'.
A mysterious telephone call sends nine year-old Sue on cross-country trek seeking revenge on the father he never met for the name he never wanted. But as he discovers more of his father's past, he begins to question the very basis of his journey.
Starring: Alex Perdikis, Christopher Berry, Griff Furst
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